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Early Modern Period 2020-22

The Dark Times of 2020

The year 2020 started off strong for AirTV with several workshops, a sexual health screening and coverage of the annual charity variety. However, the emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic in March swiftly knocked out any plans for the rest of the year including the yearly AirTV Awards which were canceled  for the first time in living memory.

AirTV is a TEAM(s)

For the better part of the next year workshops and filmmaking were done on Microsoft teams, which by all accounts was a difficult time. However things started to look brighter in May 2021 when the AirTV awards returned (albeit online) and regular meetings were announced to return the following September. 

Stronger than ever

By September 2021 the society, now led by President Iain Bayfield, was back to in person meetings. Despite the need for masks and other safety measures things started to get back to normal with weekly workshops, socials and even the return of the Joint Media Awards.

Back to Basics

By the time 2022 rolled around the society had returned to normal with the return of the ATVAs at the MaCRoberts Art's Centre for the first time since 2019. As well as this, several new traditions were born like the annual bowling trip (SpareTV) and the rise of an unusual amount of people saying 'I want a pint'.


Below are some of our videos that best show off the people, productivity and culture of this time period. Enjoy!

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