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This years ATVAs (otherwise known as Oscars back in those days) took place on the 21st of April at the McRoberts Art Centre! Check out the inspiring trailer and the  films below!

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The 2011 ATVAs

The Ark
Dir. John Calder

You've heard of hungry Caterpillars and tigers now get ready to meet this creature from hell that will eat anything. Calder's film is a stop motion delight and a must watch for horror fans!

 Riverside Drive
Dir. Garry Gallon

Told entirely through still photos, 'Riverside Drive' tells the stories and tragedies of Riverside Drive and the people that lived there.

Dir. Iain Campbell 

Featuring some creative cinematography and engaging performances, Campbell's film is a short that students all over can relate to. Although be warned, the running is metaphorical. 

Freshers Week
Dir. Malcolm Rumbles

Freshers week is the greatest week of the year, and if you can't wait until next year why not watch the dramatized one from 2011? Rumbles makes Freshers week dramatic and relatable. Enjoy.

Dir. Mark Delvin

Featuring some stunning cinematography and visual effects, Delvin's film is one that lives up to its name and will leave you Speechless! 

Dir. Angus Turner

Maus Rainn hates litter, he hates the dark, he hates graffiti and he hates YOU. Enjoy the film.

Dir. Theo Hardie

'Alice' is an ambitious short that warns of the dangers of virtual reality and AI. Directed by Theo Hardie it features some really interesting ideas and a great performance from Iain Campbell, so give it a watch!

Slow Moves
Dir. Danny Robertson

Danny Robertson makes his ATVA debut with this daring crim thriller. Filled with gun fights and brooding characters, its definetly one you don't wanna miss!

 The Lesson
Dir. Jakab Greifenstein

Trapped in a dungeon with no way out, sounds like a blast. Greifenstein's film will teach you a lesson you'll never forget. 

Dir. Ehssan Shamoradi

'Snap' is a sinister film that follows Derek as he ascends into madness...or does he? Directed by Shamoradi, this short will definitely make you think!

 State of the Union
Dir. Darren Mclatchie 

The state of the Union indeed. Mclatchie's film explores the world of student politics, the scandals, the policies and most importantly the people. This hilarious film is still relevant even after a decade, so give it a watch!

Lux Aeterna
Dir. Ian Hendry

'Lux Aeterna' is one of the most unique entries of this years ATVAs. Set in Medieval Scotland, Hendry's film features some amazing production design and cinematography that brings the time period to life! 

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